This is Phagein Blue
From the Greek root phagein, meaning “to eat”, comes PhageinBlue, providing the first, all-natural colorant for swallow studies. PhageinBlue Colorant, LLC was founded by a Speech Pathologist for health care professionals involved in the management of dysphagia to better meet the diagnostic needs of you and your patients.
- PhageinBlue is an all natural, water-soluable product comprised of anthocyanins & phycocyanins from the extracts of fruits/vegetables & Spirulina — not an artificial petroleum- or coal-based colorant like the FD&C Blue No. 1 and No. 2.
- PhageinBlue is packaged into individual sterile units that are intended for one-time, one-patient use. Individual packaging increases patient safety by decreasing the risk of bacterial and viral contamination that may occur when using multi-use, multi-patient products.

Anthocyanins & Phycocyanins
The Colorful, Natural World of Anthocyanins & Phycocyanins Anthocyanins, a class … [Read More...]
Featured Top Right
This is a widgeted area which is called Featured Top Right. It is using the Genesis - Featured Posts widget to display what you see on the Lifestyle child theme demo site. To get started, log into your WordPress dashboard, and then go to the Appearance > Widgets screen. There you can drag the Genesis - Featured Posts widget into the Featured Top Right widget area on the right hand side. To get the image to display, simply upload an image through the media uploader on the edit page screen and publish your page. The Featured Posts widget will know to display the post image as long as you select that option in the widget interface.